You can apply for your Cancelation POC Card easily online with Nicop Services UK.There can be many reasons for POC card cancellation including the ones mentioned below
Cancellation due to Death:
The immediate family members of a deceased POC holder can apply for the cancellation of the POC Card UK
Cancellation due to Dual National Agreement or Resuming Pakistani Nationality:
An ex-Pakistani who previously obtained POC after formally renounced/surrendered Pakistani nationality and acquired nationality of a foreign country (having valid foreign) that permit dual nationality can apply for cancellation of POC if Federal Government announced dual nationality agreement with that country or applicant reacquired Pakistani nationality may also apply for cancellation of POC
After the end of a marriage relationship (divorce) with a foreign spouse, the Pakistani spouse can apply for a Cancelation POC Card of his/her ex-spouse (foreigner).
"To cancel the POC card for any reason, you can click on the link below and get your work done online!"